QR encoding


For a project we had to put text in QR-codes, seemed simple enough, but sadly the printers that our customers used only supported the alphanumeric-type QR-code which has a small available character set of 45 characters (0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $%*+-./:). But we wanted to be able to send unicode strings which require a much larger character set.

So it quickly became apparent that we needed some kind of encoding. The most well-known encoding is probably Base64 however sadly this uses too many characters for our goal. However with a few modifications we can still use it’s concept.


Base64 distributes 3 bytes over 4 characters with a character size of set 64. This works because 3 bytes can have \( 256^3 = 16,777,216 \) different values and the 4 characters can have \( 64^4 = 16,777,216 \) values as well.

In our case we just need to use 45 instead of 64 and choose a nice number of bytes. You can actually pretty easily calculate how much characters you need for a certain amount of bytes. \( \log_{45} 256^n \) does the trick. We can see that this works for Base64 as well since \( \log_{64} 256^3 = 4 \).

Let’s try this for a few \( n \) for our case of 45 characters:

\( n \) \( \log_{45} 256^n \)
1 1.456703203759506
2 2.913406407519012
3 4.370109611278518
4 5.826812815038024
5 7.283516018797530
6 8.740219222557036
7 10.196922426316542
8 11.653625630076048
9 13.110328833835554
10 14.567032037595060

Sadly we don’t get any nice round numbers like Base64 does. (This is actually impossible since the prime factors of 256 and 45 can’t match (\(256 = 2^8\), \(45 = 3^2 \times 5\)). However we don’t need the amount of values to match exactly, as long as our characters can contain at least as many different values as the bytes it will work.

However increasing the amount of characters used decreases the efficiency of our encoding. An encodings efficiency is determined by the amount of characters divided by the amount of bytes. We can thus create a new table to investigate this further:

\( n \) characters efficiency
1 2 2
2 3 1.5
3 5 1.6666666666666667
4 6 1.5
5 8 1.6
6 9 1.5
7 11 1.5714285714285714
8 12 1.5
9 14 1.5555555555555556
10 15 1.5

We can see that the best efficiency we get is 1.5, it can get lower with more bytes with a theoretical limit of \( \log_{45} 256 = 1.4567… \) but this would require so many bytes that it becomes unpractical. 1.5 is in this case close enough. It is then easiest to choose the fewest amount of bytes and thus our best option seems to be to encode 2 bytes in 3 characters.

Another thing that we have to think about is what happens when our amount of bytes is not dividable by 2. We chose to just represent a single remaining byte with 2 characters instead of 3.

Encoding example

Start with a string


turn into list of bytes using UTF8

[70, 111, 111, 98, 97, 114]

turn into groups of 2 bytes

[[70, 111], [111, 98], [97, 114]]

turn into integers treating groups as base 256

[18031, 28514, 24946]

turn into groups of 3 integers smaller than 45

[[8, 40, 31], [14, 3, 29], [12, 14, 16]]

turn into list of integers smaller than 45

[8, 40, 31, 14, 3, 29, 12, 14, 16]

turn into encoded string


Decoding example

Start with an encoded string

96%DV E2K44VE40DVS0X

turn into list of integers smaller than 45

[9, 6, 38, 13, 31, 36, 14, 2, 20, 4, 4, 31, 14, 4, 0, 13, 31, 28, 0, 33]

turn into groups of 3 integers smaller than 45

[[9, 6, 38], [13, 31, 36], [14, 2, 20], [4, 4, 31], [14, 4, 0], [13, 31, 28], [0, 33]]

turn into integers treating groups as base 45

[18533, 27756, 28460, 8311, 28530, 27748, 33]

turn into groups of 2 bytes

[[72, 101], [108, 108], [111, 44], [32, 119], [111, 114], [108, 100], [33]]

turn into list of bytes

[72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33]

turn into string using UTF8

Hello, world!

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